The Blog

Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Faith Grows In The Waiting

We’ve all heard a message on faith somewhere along our Christian journey. The Bible defines faith as “The substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen.” Hebrews 11:1. So maybe it’s just me but from that scripture I think we have assumed that our faith is to be used to believe for the things that we hope for so that they come into existence.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Cultivating Peace

Peace…some days it seems elusive, hard to nail down as we flitter through our busy lives; always going, moving instead of simply being. There are so many things to get done I would say, as I hurried through another day with my long list in hand. Where is this peace I cannot seem to grasp?

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

When You Just Aren't Feelin It

I’m just not feelin it…nope. I just don’t have it today. I don’t want to do it today. I want all the things that I cannot have, and none of the things I possess. I’m tired of friends who quietly slip into the shadows; days that turn into weeks and months without end. Cold that creeps into my very soul until I just cannot get warm.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Truth or Deception?

While Jesus was being interrogated by Pilate on the night of his betrayal, Pilate asked him…”what is truth?” That’s a good question. The Free Dictionary defines truth as “Conformity to fact or actuality, conformity to an original standard, a proven or verified principle.”

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Unity In The Midst Of Division

I for one, am so very encouraged with the number of Intercessors responding to the call to prayer over the Elections. Just being part of the prayer meetings that Dutch Sheets and other key people are holding in several states has my faith high and my intercession fierce.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Time To Fight

I wanted to continue to encourage the Body of Christ this week to keep praying, keep believing and not give up! When we agree together and stand in prayer, the enemy can be defeated. The forces of darkness are being pushed back with every prayer we pray in faith, believing God for his will to come to pass.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Still Standing

Like many I have pondered the recent events. I want to encourage those of us who have prayed and believed God who feel a little lost and who have questions. Some are saying the Prophets got it wrong…but did they?

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Timing Is Everything

Timing…it’s an important factor in many things. Getting ahead of the perfect timing of things can be disastrous and, in some cases, deadly. In our life with God, it can be just as important. With God EVERYTHING is about timing.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Truth vs. Propaganda

Propaganda. We’ve all heard this term before. We remember how Hitler used it to sway a nation to follow his insane agenda and gain their allegiance. Its definition is “Information especially of a nature used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Getting To The Root

When we get wounded, hurt, betrayed, abused etc. a root gets planted in our soul that one day will sprout into beliefs and behaviors. The root is the life of the outgrowth. It’s where is all starts. We have a reaction to a situation that seems out of balance or makes you wonder ‘where did that come from” and it definitely isn’t’ a fruit of the Spirit, or a behavior you can’t change, there is a root to be found.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Politics and Christianity

It doesn’t take much to realize what is going on in our world; to feel the unrest, to hear the verbal battles between people and deeply sense the hatred being spewed toward one another, especially Christians. It’s a sad commentary on the Church when so called believers are picking sides and throwing spears of contention into the arena. God help us.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

We Need Each Other

Never have we, as a society, discovered how important community really is; or maybe it’s just me. We as a couple were in a weird season anyway, then add the lockdowns and I’m aching for my people! My heart is crying out for community, relationships and just plain ole let’s hang out, get-togethers in my life! Anyone else?

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

More of Him, Less Of Me

There are many things we can do in this life that would give us a sense of accomplishment. Higher education, awards, money, expensive cars or cloths, career success or any number of things. These things can make us feel proud, fulfilled or important.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

The Prodigals Are Coming Home

There is probably nothing more important to a person than their children. If you have them, you understand. We’ve nurtured them through boo boos, skinned knees, first love heartache, addictions, and more their whole lives. We would die for them without hesitation.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Where's The Rewind Button?

God doesn’t rewind he redeems. So much of life can be spent wishing we could go back for a do-over. Many people have such deep regrets they longingly wish they could turn back time and make a better choice or change an outcome. Don’t you wish that were possible? I sure do sometimes.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Standing In The Storm

Hurricane, tsunami, tornado, typhoon, all these are severe versions of smaller weather patterns such as a low-pressure system or a tropical depression. No one panics over a low-pressure system moving into the area and bringing cooler temperatures or a rain system bringing much needed water for our yard.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

A Crisis Of Hate

I’m tired. I’m tired of the constant bad news. I’m weary of people condemning, throwing hate speech around like confetti, and the sheer beleaguerment of this time we are in. As if Covid-19 wasn’t bad enough with its restrictions on life, constant fear being heaped on us and the panic when another is diagnosed or passes away.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Let It Go And Trust

In my quiet time this morning I was so encouraged by what the Lord was speaking to me. I love how he just knows what we need when we need it. I know we all sometimes struggle with the fear of tomorrow and being able to fully trust that He has it. It’s a process…an uncomfortable one but a necessary one too.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

There Was Always Jesus

I find it amusing how God chooses to speak to me. It seems to be in the weirdest or most unusual ways. Yet again he chose to speak through a song on the radio. Again, he zeros in on just what I need to hear…I’m praying it’s what you need to hear also.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Declare the Decree

Words…they can heal they can destroy. They can build up they can tear down. They can impart hope and they can steal joy. They are important. In Genesis God SPOKE the world into existence. He said let there be…and it was.

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