Unity In The Midst Of Division


I for one, am so very encouraged with the number of Intercessors responding to the call to prayer over the Elections. Just being part of the prayer meetings that Dutch Sheets and other key people are holding in several states has my faith high and my intercession fierce. 

I’m fully convinced that God has a plan and that our prayers are uniting with his plan to see his will for this Country, from its inception, come to pass. God must have America. We are in a critical time in our history, one that is in my opinion, the most important we have even known. 

But I also understand there are many that each of us know or are in relationship with that do not feel the same when it comes to standing to contend over the apparent fraud and corruption we believe happened in the Election. But this was never about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about God’s agenda for the Nations. We are not to be political but governmental. God is government.

Many in the Body of Christ even feel differently and voted differently. While we may all be a part of the Body, each of us are entitled to have a different opinion than others concerning how to vote. People may think differently based on how they grew up, their understanding or lack thereof of Scripture, or their understanding of how we are to unite our spiritual lives to our natural government and political views. 

While I know not everyone is joining in this prayer initiative, I know God has throughout history, accomplished much through only a remnant of people who chose to believe and stand with his purposes. I am a part of the remnant, praying, standing and battling the forces of hell itself who have their own agenda for this Country. 

Our purpose is not to get everyone to see things our way. Our job is to stay true to obeying Scripture as it pertains to our own behavior. Ephesians 4:2 states, “With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience.” When we find ourselves in a situation of disagreement with another, we are to apply the biblical principle to ourselves we see in this Scripture. We can’t change another person only ourselves.

Irini Fambro said it this way, “Paul knew that in relationships, we start with what we can control, ourselves. If I have been humble and gentle with myself, I am empowered to be patient with others in the middle of their mess and make allowance for people’s faults. Whhhaaat? Who does that? Love does that. God’s love for us did not begin when we accepted him as Lord of our lives or when we attempted to change our choices. God has always loved us. It is from that posture that I can give room for people to be messy.”

Ephesians 4:3 goes on to say, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” This is our job. We do not have to get upset and argue with people when they think differently. When we do and let our tempers rise, that attitude comes from our own pride…ouch! Humility allows people to be and vote differently without losing it’s cool and wrecking relationships over it.

When in humility we allow others to be who they are, not trying to change them, it gives the Holy Spirit room to move and work on their hearts if they are truly wrong AND allows him to also work on us if we are wrong or our attitude needs some adjustment. #WinWin 

God is fully capable of taking care of His people. Our job is to take care of our own selves making sure we are following Scripture, walking in humility and the Fruit of the Spirit, while staying in peace. 

I for one have been attempting to do this. I have had to set everything others say or believe aside and press into prayer. I will not watch the news. What they are saying is their narrative not God’s. 

I’ve often wondered why God made me so feisty, hardheaded and tenacious. It got me in a lot of trouble before these characteristics were submitted to God. I used to think “Why can’t I behave? Why can’t I be nice and sweet like my sisters?” But I have come to realize He made me this way because I have a call to intercession/prayer. He has used these seeming flaws to make me fierce and unrelenting in prayer. 

When I know it’s God’s will, I don’t care what anyone says, does, or believes. I grab ahold of a prayer assignment and will not let go. I am praying and interceding for our Nation, I will not stop, relax or give up. I refuse to let my enemy take ground or win. God will have his way in this election, he will have America,

Are you too praying? If so, be encouraged…those prayers are working! (If you want to join with Dutch Sheets in prayer, go to youtube and search him, you will find many meetings recorded where you can watch and pray.) They are paving the way for God’s angel army to break through the enemies ranks. Confusion is breaking the enemies hold, as we press forward. Don’t give up, don’t relent and don’t stop! 





Truth or Deception?


Time To Fight