The Blog

Torey Goodson Torey Goodson


Life can get so busy, so full of all the things we need to do. It’s easy to forget what is important. Life has pulled me in many directions lately and I found myself doing just that, being caught in the tyranny of the urgent.  regret

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Always Growing

I find my life presents me with way more opportunities to practice Christ-like-ness than I care to have. Anyone? Our path is strewn with obstacles that can either trip us up or grow us. I’d like to think that I’m further down the court than I am in my spiritual growth, but then a situation comes along and hits me sideways….more growing to do.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

The Battle Within

I know the power of testimony. I wanted to share mine with you to help anyone who is also struggling. We all struggle, no one is exempt from a bad day. My prayer is that you are encouraged to fight your own battles as they come…

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Cancel The Cancel Culture

There’s this thing happening more and more in our society and the more it happens the more frustrated I become. Social media is now being used to find areas of disagreement and past mistakes so they can be used as a weapon to assault people’s character online. This phenomenon has been termed, Cancel Culture.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

What You Heard Is Not What I Said

Have you ever said something only to be completely misunderstood? Sure you have…. we all have. It’s not a great feeling to be deleted, accused of being insensitive or worse cut off from relationship for said infraction. Lots of relationships have been damaged or ended because of a simple misunderstanding that was never talked about.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Random Acts Of Kindness

It would seem each new day only brings another tragic headline to process, another political issue unfolding, another devastating storm ravaging another coastline. The bad news seems to plague us relentlessly.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Are You Feeling Frantic?

As I was praying, I heard, “Be still.” Well, that can be easier for some of us than others! I’m a pretty big “doer.” Moss doesn’t usually grow under me. But as I’ve gotten older, I have realized the importance of rest and stillness; not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Are You Living With a Purpose?

Living with a sense of purpose is one of the most satisfying things we can do. But not feeling that purpose can make life seem meaningless. As believers we may not fully understand our purpose. It may not even be what we imagine it is.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

I'm Stuck

Sometimes we can start to feel a little stuck; like being on the stationary bike at the gym, we’re moving and working but we aren’t going anywhere. No matter how hard we pedal we stay in the same place

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

God Is Faithful

Discouragement seems to sneak up on you like a beautiful sunset descends into the dark of night leaving only the blackness. How could something so beautiful turn into such darkness? It seems a perfect example of our lives.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

We Become Like Who We Follow

I remember growing up and getting in trouble for doing something stupid my friends did. My mom would say, “If your friend jumped off a bridge would you do that too?” I’m silently giggling thinking about her. Moms say funny things.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

I Give Up

Being in process…transition…the in-between space…growth or whatever you want to call it is such an odd place to find yourself. Being a fixer and a doer have caused me a bit of trouble when it comes to resting in God, trusting He is working. Thankfully I’m still growing and learning and I hope that you are too.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Getting Ready For New Things

To get more into a hectic schedule, we must first take something out. Makes sense. But…to have the new thing or to put more into our lives we need to make room for it. You can only put so much into a container and when it’s full nothing else will fit. It’s simple mathematics.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

When We See With Perspective

I’m a planner. We could all agree that it’s a great feeling when a plan comes together. When the hard work, the money spent or the effort expended pays off. It just makes the long journey to get there feel worth it.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

The Gift Of Surrender

I did not grow up in the Church; quite the opposite. My father was an alcoholic, my home life chaotic at best. You never knew if you were going to get slapped across the room or hugged, all depending on dads’ level of intoxication. But that didn’t stop Jesus! He invaded our lives when I was 15 and my whole family was saved including my Father.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Why Worship?

In September 2008 I spent three days of continuous worship and prayer at Springs Harvest Fellowship in Colorado Springs. From the moment I walked in the door, the tangible, sacred presence of God was distinguishable.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Hope On The Horizon

The last few years for me have felt like perpetual winter with no Spring in sight; like living under constant clouds full of water weighing down on me. The dreariness seemed to seep into my very soul. Anyone else?

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

What Can I Learn From Pain?

Natural disasters happen all over the world. When they occur, their aftermath is devastating. Not only to the area where they hit but to the people who have been victimized by the ruthless invasion upon their lives.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

How To Grow Your Faith

We’ve all heard a message on faith somewhere along our Christian journey. The Bible defines faith as “The substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen.” Hebrews 11:1.

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