Random Acts Of Kindness

It would seem each new day only brings another tragic headline to process, another political issue unfolding, another devastating storm ravaging another coastline. The bad news seems to plague us relentlessly. 

With bad news laying in piles all around us, it’s easy to get discouraged and want to run and hide from it all. But that isn’t a reality we have. We still have lives to live and jobs to do. We may keep going day after day, not even realizing that our stress levels are rising. 

People are stressed out, some are jobless, some can’t pay bills, some are just eating their way through life trying to forget how hard it all really is. We all deal with life differently. As I was thinking about all that is swirling around us, Holy Spirit was speaking in His quiet sort of way to my heart. 

We can’t really do anything about all that is happening. We can’t snap our fingers and Covid and its effects are gone. But God’s Word does hold several answers as to what we can do in these difficult times. 

One, of course, is to keep praying. We are called to pray without ceasing, which is simply to pray every time an issue comes to our minds. In that moment God is saying, hey, this needs coverage NOW. Prayer sets heaven in motion.

Two, is something that maybe we haven’t considered. We have a certain number of people we interact with and see every day. Each one of them in some way is being affected by the news headlines they see, or the mounting needs they have. People are hurting all around us. Lets be the ones that reach out with acts of kindness!

One thing my husband and I try to stay aware of are those around us. God has led us many times in restaurants to buy someone’s meal or talk to the waitress or give a bigger tip, because in that moment He needs us to be His hands and feet. Those people need a touch from God, and we get to participate. 

That can feel intimidating at first but there is nothing like blessing someone in Jesus’ name. It’s not about us but about representing God to a hurting person and meeting a practical need in the moment. What a great way to open the door to witness to them of God’s love 

Scripture tells us:

Galatians 6:10a “Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone…

2 Thessalonians 3:13b “dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.

Hebrews 13:16 “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went about doing goodeverywhere He went, he met needs. He healed the sick, raised the dead, turned water into wine, and set captives free. He met the practical needs of hurting people. 

Can we not do the same? People need YOU. They need an act of kindness like they need water. No other act can touch a hurting heart like kindness. It’s the universal language of love. Kindness can in turn, expand the heart that gives it.

My challenge to us all is, look for opportunities today to help someone. Listen for His voice then act on it. It can be as small as a kind word, paying for their meal, or as big as paying their overdue rent. God has blessed us all with more than we need. Let’s be the people who turn that into a blessing for someone else. Let’s be the people who pay forward random acts of kindness everywhere we go so that God is glorified, and people are touched with His love. 






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