What Did You Say God?

I love to help people
. My Blogs are really just me showing you how God speaks and deals with me, and how to practically live everyday practicing our Christianity. It’s the lessons He has taught me over the years to heal all of the brokenness in my life. 

It doesn’t always need to be a life shattering new concept or revelation. Mostly God speaks really practical wisdom to us, wisdom we need to learn to apply to our situations.

As I sat down to write today, I just felt God speaking to my heart for someone, maybe more than one someone. In reality, even if you enjoy my Blogs you don’t need to hear from me but from God. So, as I was praying this is what I believe God spoke to my heart…

I see you. I know you. I don’t long for your performance, or to see you check off all of the boxes on your Christian to do list that you believe please me.  I just want your heart. I desire to sit with you in quietness and peace. I desire to fill you with myself until you overflow with Me. 

I don’t love what you do I love who you are. Learn to “be”. In our relationship you can’t do it wrong. You can only choose to not engage your heart with mine. I know your struggles and I love you. Let me love you. Let me into those places in your heart that you have locked away thinking they are hidden. 

I will meet you there and help you to clean out that room of pain and darkness. I’m not ashamed of that room. I’ve always known about it. I long to go there with you and take light to that darkness. Take that first step and see what I will do.



I'm Stuck


God Is Faithful