Hope On The Horizon

The last few years for me have felt like perpetual winter with no Spring in sight; like living under constant clouds full of water weighing down on me. The dreariness seemed to seep into my very soul. Anyone else? I had to fight to stay out from under the weight I felt all around me. Days just melted into other days, and everything was the same. Hope was all I could cling to, because deep down under the despair I knew God to be a God of hope. 

But…the good news is nothing lasts forever. Seasons change and with the change comes renewal and hope. Recently, I heard one Prophet say there would be a shift in the Spirit realm around Pentecost (May 23,2021) I could feel my eyes roll as I exhaled. I wanted to believe it so bad, that this was the time and the season for answers.

Disappointment can grab ahold of our soul and be a weight that wants to take us further down into hopelessness. It’s a fight to stay free from it’s grasp, continually refusing the thoughts and feelings that want us to just give up. But…I’m no quitter. I have stalled out a few times but thankfully I don’t give up easily. I think my parents called it being stubborn. 

Then about two weeks ago I sensed something. The feeling was familiar, like an old friend. Was this what I had been waiting for so long? I realized I had actually felt that long awaited shift. I was energized to set new goals and make new plans. God began to show me what to focus on and what to study. I had new energy coursing through me I had not felt in some time; and it was exciting!

I don’t have any idea exactly what is coming or what it will look like, but for certain I have new hope I will get there. It’s a sense of anticipation, of excitement, of destiny. Something is coming, something big. It’s rather hard to explain but if you’ve felt it, you understand too. 

As God does with me, he spoke again through a new song I heard on the radio by Danny Gokey called, of course, New Day. Here are the lyrics:


Wake up and breathe in deeper than yesterday. Take on the morning your soul's been remade. Roll down the windows, let your cares fly away.
Good things are yours to claim, 
you don't have to wait.
All across the sky, new mercies rise and 
the future's bright.

This is a 
new day, everything bursting with hope, coming alive. This moment You've got a freedom no looking back anymore. Open your eyes it's coming, 
This is a new day. The old has gone away. This is a new day, don't let it slip

away. Go on and reignite impossible dreams. Become the one you never thought you could be. All across the sky, new mercies rise, and the future's bright.

This is a new day! Everything bursting with hope, 
coming alive this moment.

You've got a freedom, no looking back anymore. Open your eyes
It's coming, this is a new day. The old has gone away. This is a new day
Don't let it slip away this is a new day, the old has gone away
Love hasn't given up on you. Love is making the old things new. Today and every single day, love hasn't given up on you…A new day, a new day. (You can listen to this song here)


It was like God had a hold of my shoulders, was looking me straight in the eyes and saying these words. What was is no longer. It’s a new day! My job, and yours is to believe it, take hold of what God is saying now and join your faith with it. We must partner with the Holy Spirit in this new day and trust him for daily grace to walk toward what he has for us. 

We don’t need to know every answer to every problem we have. All we need to do is to trust him one day at a time, one minute at a time, if need be, and just keep taking small steps forward. Keep believing he is good, and he is for you. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

The past is in the past, let it be. We can’t go forward by looking back. The future is as bright as we will let it be. Our job is simply to breath, move, trust, hope, expect and He will make our paths straight. One thing at a time, one day at a time…. the future will arrive, and it will be amazing!



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