Getting To The Root


When we get wounded, hurt, betrayed, abused etc. a root gets planted in our soul that one day will sprout into beliefs and behaviors. The root is the life of the outgrowth. It’s where is all starts. We have a reaction to a situation that seems out of balance or makes you wonder ‘where did that come from” and it definitely isn’t’ a fruit of the Spirit, or a behavior you can’t change, there is a root to be found.

We can keep trying to deal with the outgrowth or fruit, continually trying to pick it off, bury it, or modify our behavior to cover it, but it will always come back until we discover and dig up that root. Getting to the bottom of the issue is tuff work, experience has taught me that much. But it is so possible! I read an Instagram post from my girl Krystal Bolduc and just knew she had to share her wisdom with us. She is all things holistic, healing and nutrition. Please follow her on social media at Let’s welcome Krystal to Grace for the Journey today….


Have you ever tried to pull a big plant out of the ground? You grip both hands around it tightly. You pull with all your might. Fall on flat on your rear. Dig the shovel around it. Pull again. Fall again. Get a bigger shovel. Pull again.

 You take a little break and think. Okay, this time this thing is gonna come out of here. Fail. You start to realize the roots of this thing are deeper than you thought. So, you ask the person next to you, can you get this? They pull it out, with ease. You laugh. Of course, this always happens. (You know when something won’t open or turn on, it always works when someone else does it)

 There’s a few thoughts here: ⁠

1. Our outcome won’t change with just trying different tools. You can hope that the next tool will be “the thing”, but the thing is. It starts with the roots. Your roots, are your beliefs. Culturally, genetically and socially. They are the things that have gripped you from the inside out and direct your steps, positive and negative. If you want the plant to rebloom and THRIVE you must repot the soil, safely. You must be willing to do the deep work to see the massive results. You must be willing to take a journey into yourself with God guiding you through the layers, to untangle those roots and see what else they are connected to; past beliefs, wounds and identities.

 2. Transformational work IS NOT easy. It will require you to look deep and get REAL with yourself. It is NOT your fault that you are lop sided and broken, but darling, it IS your fault if you stay there.

 3. A sustainable process is what brings you to true freedom in your stuck places. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there are no “quick fixes”, there is no jumping from point A to point Z.

 4. This process forces you to shed and THEN build new identities, new beliefs, new feelings, new perspective and a new foundation.

5. Not all your “work” requires force to work. What would your life experience look like with flow, with surrender? Surrender to a God that has allowed you to have these experiences for a purpose of intimacy with Him.

 6. We aren’t always meant to do take this journey alone, we all have blind spots, false perspectives and lies we’ve gripped as truths. In this work, lies the next level version of you.



1. If you could get to this place on your own, with your own strength. Wouldn’t you have done it by now?

2. In order to get someplace we have never been... we must be willing to do things we have never done.

3. We were made FOR MORE than staying stuck.


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