The Blog

Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Faith vs. Fear

If you haven’t noticed our world seems a little unhinged lately. It feels like it gets a little more wonky with every passing day. First a virus, then murder, mayhem, riots and political unrest like a cherry on the top of it all.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Our Authority In Christ

Have you ever learned a truth and then time goes by and you realize you have somehow forgotten to apply that truth to your life? Everything we learn as believers needs to be practiced to be effective. It does us no lasting good to sit in church and learn principles to gain head knowledge of facts.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson


Isn’t it just the most amazing feeling when you so clearly know God is speaking to you? Like you KNOW it…it brings such peace and comfort to realize what you say you believe is actually happening! It comes alive in the moment and it’s just mind blowing.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Wisdom...The Principle Thing

Wisdom…the Scriptures describe wisdom as the principle thing in the New King James version. When God told Solomon in a dream to ask for anything he wanted, he asked God for understanding or wisdom to lead His people. He understood the absolute necessity of wisdom for what he was called to do.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Freedom...Are We Really Free?

As a country, we in America just celebrated our freedom. The Declaration of Independence signed on July 4th 1776, declared our total independence from Great Britain. Freedom is an amazing thing; to not be bound or controlled by another’s choices or decisions.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Depression...The Silent Pain

There’s a word that brings fear to our hearts at its mention. The overwhelming feelings and the threat of its outcome can be frightening. So many are suffering from its effects, so many don’t live through its onslaught. 

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Strength For The Trial

Trials, temptations, the wilderness wondering…I hate them. I know we all do because let’s face it, they are dumb. Just when things seem to be going smoothly wham! The trial of the century shows up at the door and throws a wrench in the motor of our life

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Unity Is Not Conformity

Have you ever thought through the fact that unity has more of a relationship with disagreement than it does agreement? That may be hard for some to comprehend because the culture we live in has formed its value system based on agreement. In other words, in today’s culture, people tend to connect their value to how much they’re agreed with; they gather on agreement and divide in disagreement.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

How Should We Respond?

What is at the root of these kind of actions? We simply lack the quality of humility. Humility is “a lack of vanity or self-importance, a disposition of patience or long-suffering.” We think to highly of ourselves and our own opinions. Period.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Riots, Protests and George Floyd

This year has been a bit of a mess so far. We all feel the effects of a National shut down all the way to our souls. It has affected each of us differently, we each have our own story of how we have dealt with it or not. Some people react to pain outwardly some stuff it all down deep inside and let it build.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Opinions Everywhere

Judgement…it’s an easy thing to do but not so easy to be on the receiving end of. I often wonder why it seems so easy to judge things we see or hear about. There is also no scarcity of opinions around just go to Facebook and you will find an opinion about everyone and everything!

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

I Just Want What I Want...NOW

If you read this Blog you know that I write about real stuff…real life, real struggles and the real biblical solutions contained in God’s word. I don’t do fake or pretend to be perfect. 

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

I Surrender All

Sometimes the principles God endeavors to teach us are umm let’s say…difficult. Although some are easier than others some take time, willingness and crucifixion of our flesh to pull off. I heard a song recently and my heart just resonated with its message; a message of surrender. Let’s be clear…this principle is one of the most difficult to grasp for most of us. It’s way easier to sing “I surrender all” than it is to actually do it!

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Following God's Plan

I love to do any kind of needlepoint but especially Cross Stitch. When I decide on a pattern I would like to stitch and then open the package to see the pattern or steps to complete to get to the final design, I often think there is no way this pattern will turn into the final product I want. It all looks so strange and nothing like the picture on the front of the package.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Be Sober Minded

What is the most obvious need for a drunken man? He must sober up. But what is the greatest need for an alcoholic? He needs to get delivered from his addiction to alcohol. He doesn’t simply need to sober up, he needs to be fully delivered.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

New Wine Skins

In our current situation I’ve had a little more time to ponder and listen to God’s spirit speaking to me. I’ve had so much rumbling around in my heart lately it’s been hard to decipher and put down into intelligent words

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

Don't Be Deceived

James Chapter one is probably my favorite chapter in God’s word. Every single verse gives practical life-changing instruction to every believer.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

The Gift Of Covid-19

We find ourselves in week two of social distancing and staying at home. By now we’ve all had our share of good and bad days, adjustments to schedules, homeschooling kids, working from home and a host of other seeming inconveniences.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

God Of The Impossible

Man…I don’t know if anyone can relate but life has been punching my guts out lately. For real…it can take a toll not only physically but emotionally and spiritually too. Our whole being can get weary of the constant blows that come in different areas of our lives.

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Torey Goodson Torey Goodson

The Uncertainty of the Unknown

Things transpire we don’t understand. Our minds try to grapple with the questions that arise. Our soul feels all of the turmoil as our aching heart pounds with the heaviness of disappointment and uncertainty. 

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