Declare the Decree


Words…they can heal they can destroy. They can build up they can tear down. They can impart hope and they can steal joy. They are important. In Genesis God SPOKE the world into existence. He said let there be…and it was. Light travels at 186,000 miles a second. From the time God said let there be light it has continued to expand across the Universe creating, because he never told it to stop. Science has proven this.

God gave man, his ultimate creation the same mandate, to speak into existence His will. To say and proclaim his will be done. Mark 11:23 Jesus tells us, “Listen to the truth I speak to you: If someone says to this mountain with great faith and having no doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.” Our words are powerful, when they line up with his will they can move obstacles. 1 John 5:14, Job 22:28. 

Today with our world hanging in the balance between light and darkness it is more important than ever to be speaking against the darkness, chaos and evil that is trying to invade. We cannot afford to agree with it in our speech and conversations bemoaning its advancement, but we must as believers stand up and fight against its very existence and declare war on its agenda.

I remember a very dark time with one of our sons where he was literally batteling for his life. It was bad. I was driving down the road and began to have a vision in my mind of his funeral. I saw how people were saying nice things about him at the viewing as I was weeping. All of a sudden, the Holy Spirit shook me awake! I knew it was the plan of the enemy to take him out and he was planting thoughts in my mind to get me to agree with them so he could do it. 

I began to cry and say out loud…NO!!!! My son will NOT die but he will live to declare the glory of the Lord. His life will tell of the goodness and faithfulness of God. He will have an even greater testimony when this is over! I refused the thoughts the enemy was planting in my mind. I began to agree with God’s word over my son. It took time but he eventually came out of that dark place. 

As the Church we cannot agree with what the enemy is attempting to do in our Nation. We must look past the surface and see the agenda of hell that lies just beneath it and we must war against it. We cannot be silent!! We need to be more actively fighting now than ever before. We fight in prayer and making declarations against the enemy’s evil army.

I came across these decrees and felt I needed to share them. We can all pray and speak these out loud. Every time the Holy Spirit prompts you get these out and speak them over our Nation, and the church and let’s unite to see Jesus victorious over our enemies!

Read each Scripture and agree in prayer and declaration with me as we fight for our Nation and its people!

I declare:

1)    Every plot, ploy, attack, assignment, minion and manifestation of the enemy sent against my nation will be revealed and rendered null and void! (1 John 3:8, John 19:30, Isaiah 60:3, Luke 8:17.) 

2)    My nation was made by God, belongs to God, will know God, and will serve God! (Psalm 24:1-2, John 1:3.)

3)    God is for my nation and with my nation. He is well able to heal the land and bring us fully back to Him! (2 Chronicles 7:14, Romans 5:8, Psalm 86:15, Zephaniah 3:17.)

4)     The Church will arise in truth and love, awakening to our power as His dominion stewards in the land. We will take up our place of impact; ignited by God's presence, power and personality! (Isaiah 60:1-3, Isaiah 61:1-4, Job 29:17.)

5)     Jesus is King of my nation, enthroned on the praise, prayer and worship of His people to rule and reign in this land! (Psalm 47:6-8, Psalm 22:3.)

6)     The increase of God's government shall know no end in my nation! (Isaiah 9:6-7.)

7)     The Lord will protect, provide for, empower and equip His men and women in government, media, schools, families, arts and entertainment, business, and the Church! And He will stir and empower His people to pray for our leaders! (2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 2:13, Ephesians 1:3, Hebrews 13:20-21, 1 Timothy 2:1-3.)

8)    Light Be! Light Be! Light Be! In every sphere of influence in my nation let the light, love and life of God break forth in great and mighty ways, shattering the darkness, lies, chaos and confusion of the enemy! (Genesis 1:3-4, John 1:5.)

It's time to bring healing to the nations and turn our beloved USA back to God. This is a historic time. Let's make history together for Jesus!


There Was Always Jesus


Faith vs. Fear