There Was Always Jesus


I find it amusing how God chooses to speak to me. It seems to be in the weirdest or most unusual ways. Yet again he chose to speak through a song on the radio. Again, he zeros in on just what I need to hear…I’m praying it’s what you need to hear also.

Circumstances have landed me sitting on my backside with my foot elevated, trying to recover from a foot issue. God has his ways of getting us STILL so he can speak. No, he doesn’t break us to teach us, but he never wastes an opportunity to get his point across either! Ok God I’m all ears what’s up?

The song by Zach Williams and Dolly Pardon called “There was Jesus” just keeps screaming at me…these lyrics just say it all…

Every time I tried to make it on my own
Every  time I tried to stand and start to fall
And  all those 
lonely roads that I have travelled on
There was Jesus

When the life 
I built came crashing to the ground
When  the friends I had 
were nowhere to be found
I  couldn't see it then but I can see it now
There was Jesus
For this man who needs amazing kind of grace
For forgiveness at a price I couldn't pay 
I'm not perfect so I thank God every day
There was Jesus 

In  the waiting, in the searching
In the 
healing and the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute‚ every moment
I've been and where I'm going
Even when I 
didn't know it or couldn't see it
There was Jesus

When the life you thought you were living for Him one day looks like a city on fire all around you, and as you watch the structures crash into ashes as you weep for what was, the realization of helplessness encompasses you till you think you cannot breath. Then the days turn into months and to years as you question it all, cry, and ask all the questions with no answers.

One day you wake up and see that while you were concentrating on the rubble, the dust has settled on your tragic circumstances. But you also realize that through all of the pain, the waiting, the searching, the healing and the hurting as the song so beautifully stated, Jesus was always there. Every minute and every moment where you’ve been and where you are going when you didn’t know it or see it, there was Jesus.

Somehow while you were slowly dying in the wreckage of your smoke-filled life, he was there like a blessing that had been buried in all of the broken pieces. He was under the rubble taking what was and giving it new life. He was refining you through the fire of circumstances, making you into a new and better version to reflect Him better. 

While you felt he had abandoned you, you realize he never left but stayed and began using everything around you to mold and shape you into what only he could. He began to clear the shards of self from your heart and replace them with his own nature. He took the pain of brokenness and betrayal and crafted in you compassion and empathy. 

He opens your eyes and heart to see that although it hurt, and others had wronged you he graced you to see the bigger picture. It was never about what someone else did but about how he wanted to use it to save YOU, to refine YOU, and to use it to empty YOU so he could fill the new vessel he was making with more of HIM.

You know that no matter what has happened he was always there. He never left your side. He was carrying you while you healed and then he gently sets you down and says it’s time to walk again…and you know it’s time. You are ready. Your strength has been renewed like the eagle. Your wounds have healed, and you feel stronger than ever before, ready for the new task ahead. 

Your trust in his ability to keep you is more deeply engrained in you than you thought possible. Now it’s time….time to step out in faith knowing just because you can’t see the step in front of you doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It’s time to step out of the boat and walk on the water of your promises. He will always be there to catch you if you start to sink. 

Father your ways are beyond our comprehension, your plans are always good! Thank you that you have a plan for our lives and a purpose for everything. Give us eyes to see the next step, faith to take it and courage to go forward until we reach our destination. I decree the doors of destiny to open before us and every plot and plan of the enemy to be destroyed. We will walk out of the wilderness into your perfect will in Jesus name.






Let It Go And Trust


Declare the Decree