Let It Go And Trust


In my quiet time this morning I was so encouraged by what the Lord was speaking to me. I love how he just knows what we need when we need it. I know we all sometimes struggle with the fear of tomorrow and being able to fully trust that He has it. It’s a process…an uncomfortable one but a necessary one too.

We all have said “I trust you” to God. It all sounds so spiritual when we say it out loud while in prayer. But…do we REALLY trust him? When it comes down to it, are we trying to maneuver circumstances or people to “help” get what we want? Or are we really simply sitting at his feet in complete trust that whatever it is we are facing, he’s got it? 

If we are in trust, we will be at peace. Peace and trust go hand in hand. If our peace is disturbed, we need to look at where we are not trusting. Whatever we face, our heart posture needs to be, “I can’t fix this God, so take it and make it into something that helps me grow and use it to train me to trust you more.” He is an expert at using the heat and the pressure of trials to make us into diamonds.

What is it that keeps us from trusting fully? F.E.A.R. plain and simple. There is an element of fear if we are not in full trust that God can and will handle our situation. Joseph is such a great example in Scripture for us to look at. His brothers had sold him into slavery out of jealously, with a caravan of foreigners who didn’t even speak the same language. Talk about fear! He couldn’t even communicate with them. 

He is put into servitude and then imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. This lasted thirteen long years! The level of anger, bitterness and sheer bewilderment he must have been feeling are unimaginable. He had to have had a million unanswered questions and grief to spare. But somehow through all that he was suffering, he learned to trust God. 

He learned he could not do anything to help himself. He had to give up and let God make a way. If he was going to survive, God had to intervein. This trial taught him to fully trust. When no effort of our own makes anything change, we are forced to relinquish the control we so desperately want to have. He made a decision to do what was in front of him, using his gifts and talents to make the life he was given count. He no doubt grew in grace and favor with those around him who saw his abilities and attitude displayed, because he was promoted into leadership. When we choose to let what we face grow us, God gives us grace and favor that abounds. 

He had no idea if or when this would all be over. Have you ever felt that way? I have. I’ve wondered why and how so many times. If we aren’t careful, we can concentrate so hard on trying to fix it that God can’t. The scripture Isaiah 45:2 MSG says, “I’ll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road. I’ll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances. I’ll lead you to buried treasures.” Joseph was so changed by his experiences that by the time he was face to face with his brothers 20 years later, he was able to say, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” God used Joseph to save an entire nation during a seven-year famine. We really have zero idea how God will use what we face not only for us but for someone else. 

When someone goes on a jungle safari, they are escorted by a Guide. He lives there and knows the way. He also knows the danger that could await in the jungle. So, he “goes ahead” of the person with a machete, clearing the way of obstacles and dangers. He clears the path ahead of them. 

Our amazing Father sends the Holy Spirit as our guide into tomorrow. He has already been there before us and cleared the path. He has already made the way for us to walk through whatever comes. He not only clears the path of stumbling blocks; he can break down any barriers the enemy may erect to block our path!! 

That so encouraged me! I literally felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I thought of my own circumstances and the what if’s ahead of me. God has already been where he is leading us!! Shut up! We don’t have to fear it or dread it because he has made the way for us. Just because we can’t see the path doesn’t mean it isn’t already there, cleared off and waiting for us to arrive!

Let that sink in…let that reality and promise from our Father wash over your heart. He is so so good, his ways are so far above our ways. There is absolutely nothing that we may face that he hasn’t already seen and planned for. It’s done, he already worked it out. We simply need to follow his leading, do what we know to do, trusting that even if it doesn’t look like we thought it would, it will work out. 

Father you are crazy amazing! You know the future and everything we will face, every obstacle the enemy will throw at us and ahead of time made the pathway clear! There is nothing that we can face that you have not already seen, nothing that can happen that you do not have a solution for. Help us today Holy Spirit to relax and lean on you, knowing that we will have the answer and provision we need when we need it. Let trust grow in our hearts as we let go of every fear that could hinder us. In Jesus name….








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