The Prodigals Are Coming Home


There is probably nothing more important to a person than their children. If you have them, you understand. We’ve nurtured them through boo boos, skinned knees, first love heartache, addictions, and more their whole lives. We would die for them without hesitation. So, when they are struggling we are struggling, especially when it comes to their walk with God. They are the only things we can take to heaven with us so their hearts are continually on our heart.

When our children turn from serving the Lord, our prayers fill the bowls in heaven to overflowing. It’s on our hearts and minds continually. But what we may forget is that it’s also on Gods heart. Jeremiah 3:14-15, “Return O backsliding children says the Lord, For I am married to you.” You don’t forget who you are married to. Even Hosea when his wife Gomer left him to prostitute herself, sought her to bring her back home. His marriage was a visible example to us of how God seeks us when we leave him in our hearts.

I believe God has been saying this is the year of the Prodigals. We often think Prodigal means wayward or rebellions but it does not. It means reckless or extravagant living. In the story Jesus told of the Prodigal son in Luke 15, we think of the prodigal as the younger son only, who wanted his inheritance so he could go off and live like he wanted. He rejected his father’s love. 

In reality, both boys were prodigals. One through self-sufficiency (the older) the other through self-discovery (the younger).Either way when we turn our hearts from the Lord his heart seeks us in desperation. Hosea 14:4, “I will heal their backsliding.”Isaiah 57:17, “he went on backsliding in the way of his own heart. I have seen his ways, BUT I will heal him.” God so desires to heal their hearts and welcome them home but sometimes it isn’t overnight and that is when our prayers must beat on the door of heaven for our babies. 

God has promised us to bring our prodigals home. This scripture has become one that I am holding onto as I believe for my own family to surrender their hearts fully. Isaiah 49:25 TLB “But the Lord says, “Even the captives of the most mighty and the mostterrible shall all be freed; for I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children.” 

No matter what your child struggles with, addiction, pornography, past wounding, or rebellion God’s mind and heart is fixed on their deliverance. He paid a great price for their freedom and is steadily pursuing them. This is not the time to relax our prayers, we must contend for their freedom like never before. 

We have experienced breakthrough with one of our sons. He took us to hell and back though his teenage years. We literally thought will this ever end; will he ever serve God? Then suddenly…God broke down the last barrier and he surrendered! If he did that for my child, he will most certainly do it for your child.

That same son who was so very lost and is now a Pastor. In this clip you can watch “here” he reminds us of the faithfulness of God to us all in every situation. Keep praying, keep believing for your children, keep knocking on the doors of heaven for them, and keep pushing against the powers of darkness for their complete freedom and release from the trap of Satan. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead can raise up your child from the pits of hell itself! Your prayers are powerful and effective…never ever give up! 

Be encouraged! We serve a faithful God who is bigger than anything we might face!


More of Him, Less Of Me


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