Responce To Crisis


It seems our world has turned upside down lately; runs on food and toilet paper are filling Facebook news feeds, empty shelves and long lines are the norm. It feels a bit overwhelming and yes, a little scary. It’s easy to fear the unknown uncharted waters of adversity. 

Having said that I totally understand the kind of unbridled fear people can walk in. But as Believers we have a different lens to look through. God’s word has to be our first and final go to for how to respond and think through these events. His word has every answer we need. We cannot let the media direct us or scare us into panic. Be safe and follow all of the precautions we are given but also follow God’s word.

I watched a message online today that addressed this issue and felt it was not only timely but also full of great ideas on how we can pray through this and what as believers we should be doing. You can find the message HERE but I will list the steps Pastor Sheets gave for prayer including my own commentary.

First I want to start with understanding that fear is not just a feeling it is a demonic force. It is the opposite of faith. Allowing fear to take hold of our hearts can invite a host of other demonic forces into our lives. Deuteronomy 3:22 says, “Do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God himself will fight for you.” Just like standing in faith can give God an invitation to move in our lives, fear is a welcome mat for our enemy. 

Psalms 23:4 states, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” The fear of death can drive people to do terrible things. Proverbs 29:25 tells us “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the lord is kept safe.” We must learn to trust God on a new level in these end times. He alone can see us through.

Our President declared March 15th a National Day of Prayer. There are certain things Pastor Sheets in his message gave for us to consistently pray over our families and ourselves. Pray these every day. Involve your children, grandchildren and friends in these times of prayer and communion. 

1. Read Psalms 91 out loud daily with your family. It will promote in the atmosphere the covenant of God. Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is alive and powerful

2. Pray and decree protection over you and your family. Job 22:28a says, “You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you…” Just like Jesus spoke to the storm with authority, we are to use our authority over the enemy and speak God’s will into the atmosphere. Decree this plague be eliminated, it’s effects stopped in Jesus name. Pray, “no weapon formed against you will prosper” Isaiah 54:17a.

3. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guard your home and children with his angels. They respond to God’s word and are our warriors. Psalm 34:7 “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and he delivers them.”  Pray a hedge of protection around you and your loved ones according to Psalms 91.

4. Praise God for his faithfulness to watch over and protect you. Sing praises and worship Him for his power over anything that comes against you. As we worship Gods power and grace is released over our lives and hearts. Worship is a powerful weapon. God had Israel use praise to stop an invasion against them in 2 Chronicles 20. 

5. Walk your property line and decree no plague will cross this boundary. We have authority over what is ours. The enemy has to bow to our authority when we exercise it. Because a policeman has the authority to do so he can simply raise his hand against traffic and it will obey him and stop, we can stop the enemy from advancing in his agenda against us. 

6. Pray in the spirit your governing prayer language trusting him to pray the perfect prayer. Romans 8:26 says, “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” He knows the perfect prayer to pray when we do not. 

7. Guard your mouth and words. Do not speak fear, unbelief or be negative. Speak and declare faith filled words. In doing this we give no place to the enemy. Our words have power to release the plan of God or of the enemy. We empower with the authority we carry in our words. Say what God says.

8. Pray for our leaders and their decisions in this crisis.  Pray over the scientists to find a cure. Pray for wisdom for all involved. Pray for health care workers, police officials and our schools. Reach out to the parents who have children at home, or the elderly you may know. This is a time for us as the Body to act on God’s behalf to his people. 

9. Read the Word. So many Psalms are full of encouragement. Read a Psalm every day. The more familiar we are with God’s word the more we can rely on it.

10. Start your days with communion. Claim God’s promises over you and your family. Involve your children in this. The Cross provided for our healing not only spiritually but also physically. Jesus defeated the power of the enemy over us. In taking communion believe God for His promises of healing. 

We alone do not possess the strength or the ability to manage these times we live in… but God! Exodus 14:14 states “Return to the stronghold you prisoners of hope.” God alone is our stronghold against the plans of the enemy. Exodus 14:14 says “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Do not give in to emotional panic. That is exactly what the enemy desires. We can only be an overcomer when we have something to overcome. This is an opportunity to do just that…”we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!” Revelation 12:11.




The Uncertainty of the Unknown


The Holy Spirit